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Committee 2024-25

Bridgnorth & District u3a

OFFICERS:      Chris Wright   Chair '24-25 
      tbc   Vice Chair 
      Linda Barton   Secretary
      Cliff Bassett   Treasurer
COMMITTEE:     Heather Yarwood    Activities Coordinator
      Janet Hardy   Membership Secretary
      Jane Jasper   Speaker Secretary
      Jean Swift   Welcome Host Coordinator
      Susan Powell   Ctee Member
      Linda Ruston   Ctee Member
      John Barton   Ctee Member
Co-optees during year:     John A Smith    
      Liz Smith    
    Chris Wright   Beacon / Website /
Newsletters / Facebook
      Trevor Padget   Zoom Licence Holder
      Keith Ruston   Sound System / Photographer


The u3a Committee meets once a month (2nd Thursdays) excluding December.   
Any member wishing to access the Minutes or attend a Committee Meeting - please make contact with the Secretary

...... Typical Agenda:    Welcome
      Minutes of Last Meeting
      Matters Arising 
      Chair's Report & Matters Looking Forward
      Secretary's Report
      Treasurer's Report
      Membership Report
      Activity Coordinators Report
      Speaker Meetings
      Publicity & Events 

